Edge template IV3b

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Template IV3-b is a 4th row edge template with 3 stones.

The shaded cell is not part of the template and can be occupied by Blue.

If the middle red piece is removed, the template stays valid, as long as the two remaining stones are connected to each other in some other way.

(From: www.drking.org.uk)

Defending the template

Red has this threat:

For trying to block the connection Blue has to play on the 5 fields used by that threat.


If Blue moves in any of the 3 cells marked x, Red has the same response:


Red 4 is connected to the bottom by template III2-e.

If Blue moves at y:


Red 6 is connected to the top by double threat at the two fields marked "+".

If Blue moves at z:


Red 4 is connected to the top by double threat at the two fields marked "+".