User talk:Fjan2ej57w

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Hello :D

Here is the way to make a hex board:

 [<][hexboard size=]["][*^v][x][*<>] 
 ["]//set size
 [contents=]["][*colour] [*position] 
 ["]//put stones

then I will get this:

 [<][hexboard size=]["][5][x][8]["]
 [contents=]["][R] [c4]["][/>]

then I will get this:

 [<][hexboard size=]["3x4"]
 [)"]//set bondary by vertex
 [coords=]["][none]["]//not coloring
 [contents=]["][R c1]["]

then I will get a ziggurat:

 [<][hexboard size=]["6x7"]
 [contents="R f5 d5 b5"]

a longer rampart :p

some questions about hex

1.Is there a 2nd row ladder escape template that contains only empty cells? (It's equivalent to ask that given enough space, is a 2nd row ladder able to connect itself to the edge. 2.find templates that escape ladders on both sides,e.g.,Edge template II escapes 2nd and 3rd row ladders on both size at the same time. it possible to get a switchback from a 3rd row ladder? 4.Does single stone 8th row edge template exist? Is there a better way to analyze such templates? it possible to totally surround a single stone on an infinite board? I.e., to make the group coming from that stone remain bounded. 6.Find the ways to prolong a losing game as much as possible.(or shorten a winning game as much as possible) 7.Which leads to the question that how much space of an empty board would be filled if both sides play optimally.(I guess if n(approaching infinity) is the length of the board, then the game(with or without swap)would end in n^(3/2)•k moves, where k is a constant depending on whether the swap rule is used or not) 8.Bridge ladders are common in actual games, so there must be some conclusions about it, comparing such "interior" bridges to an interval of edge. 9.there is the concept of capture. And it can be used to determine the shape of an edge template. more complicated and frequently occurring conditions of capturing and their corresponding strategy may be very helpful.