Hex clubs

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This page lists Hex clubs, by which we mean communities of people who get together to play Hex (in-person or online) regularly or at specific times. Maybe there is a Hex club in your area, or you can join an online one. Maybe you would like to start a Hex club in your city! If you do, please add it here.

North America

  • Toronto Hex Club. In Toronto, Canada. Currently dormant. Was active from January to June 2023. Meets Mondays, 8-11pm. Open to the public. Location: 281 Jedburgh Rd. No longer dormant, but currently figuring out a consistent time and place. Contact: The #toronto channel on the Hex Discord server.



  • PlayOK Hex Meetings. Every Friday and Sunday at 6pm (London time) on PlayOK. Active since early 2024.

See also