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testing 1-2-3

Posted by Tommah (administrator) on 1 April 2017 at 19:39.

on LG we finished our discussion with the question: how to define joseki in Hex?

Posted by ArekKulczycki on 3 April 2017 at 21:40.

My observation is that joseki is different to "free play" in a sense that, in a sequence, there are local moves that are objectively superior to some alternatives.

I think that the above is necessary and sufficient condition for a move to be joseki.

We find this kind of moves in acute corners when player A approaches the corner and player B challenges him locally. I want to highlight that the latter is only an observation, not a condition.

Posted by ArekKulczycki on 3 April 2017 at 21:52.

There are two regular unit ares (cell) arrays: (1) "square" and (2) "hexagonal". The first includes a chess or checkers board. These have no central cell. The other array has symmetrical cells which include the centre cell. Both the other arrays are asymmetrical. The first array needs to be the most distinctive and both the asymmetrical arrays need to complement it by being th same colour/tone. see for details. mjj

Posted by on 12 November 2022 at 11:30.