Edge template VI2a
The edge template template VI2
Let us first see what possibilities Red has if he moves first.
There are two obvious options:
In both diagrams the possible intrusion points are marked by (+). So we only have to consider the intersection of the intrusion points. They are:
Intrusion at E5 and F5
If Blue blocks at E5 then Red plays F3, reducing to Template IVb
Likewise if blue blocks at F5:
Intrusion at G2
Blue has a few options:
Block at E4
Red's G3 piece is connected to the top via F3 or H2.
Here Red has created a Ladder escape fork. If blue blocks the ladder Red plays at D3.
Block at D5
And Red has connected. If blue choose to play at E6 instead of E5:
Intrusion at E6
Red threatens to connect via D4. Blue must respond in one of the marked hexs.
The H4 piece is connected to the bottom with template III-1-a, and is connected to the top in two non-overlapping ways: